Beaver Mini Splitting Axe 1200g Hickory Handle

By Müller

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Our Mueller Mini Splitting Axe is small enough for light work and designed for splitting lighter firewood. The head is designed to go easily into the wood, with minimal effort required to split the wood in two.

The mini size makes it possible to use one-handed. Mueller Axes have uncompromising quality with sustainable timber handle and hand-forged steel, featuring high quality, precision ground Swedish steel and premium hickory shafts. 

Comes with a handmade leather cover for protection.


    • 1.25 kg head
    • Hand-forged
    • Made in Austria since 1675
    • 600 mm Hickory handle
    • Leather Sheath Case
  • Please NOTE: Mueller Axes come with a lifetime warranty!

Mueller Axes, have been hand forged in Austria, dating all the way back to the 1600s. Mueller has a very long and deserved reputation as being a highly functional tools of uncompromising quality and workmanship. Highly skilled craftsmen combine modern-day techniques with artistry passed down from many generations of blacksmiths. You can trust the quality of Mueller's tools because they think enough of them to put a lifetime warranty on everyone. We know you will enjoy owning and using these beautiful axes for generations to come!